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Mind Matters

Mental health shapes thoughts, emotions, and behavior. Prioritizing it fosters resilience, balance, and well-being.

Mental Health: Definition And Main Principles

For WHO, mental health is “a state of well-being in which everyone can fulfil their potential, cope with the normal challenges of life, work productively and productively and be able to contribute to the community.”

Mental health is, therefore, at the crossroads of psychological, health and social issues. It is intrinsically linked to the feeling of personal fulfilment and well-being. It is related to a very subjective but universal notion: happiness or, more precisely, the feeling of each person in relation to this emotional state. In fact, there are as many different definitions as there are people because the quest for happiness is very personal.

It is based on fundamental rights (such as freedom of speech and movement), on social needs such as being able to connect with others (social interactions) and on more personal notions linked to the uniqueness of each individual (aspirations, needs and desires in everyday life specific to each individual).

How To Diagnose Distress In Children?

Observe the child and his behaviour: he seems to withdraw into himself, he no longer talks as much, he suddenly seems distant, he has outbursts of anger, and a sudden violent attitude. 

For children who do not speak much or have not yet acquired language, be extra vigilant about their behaviour, and observe their drawings, the colours used and the shapes represented because writing and drawing is another way of expressing oneself (non-verbal communication).

His nights are restless; he has difficulty sleeping, he has difficulty falling asleep, and he spends a lot of time in front of screens and the evening. These could be warning signs. 

These sudden changes in behaviour should alert you and prompt you to consult your doctor or the paediatrician who is treating them.

Also, try to discuss it with him and rely on books: they can help you find the right words.

Be aware that different mental health tests are possible, as well as screening tools; talk about it with a professional, they will also be able to carry out clinical examinations in order to establish a diagnosis and detect a possible illness.

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How To Diagnose Distress In Children?

A child’s mental health is just as important as their physical health. It’s not possible to prevent all mental health problems. However, there are steps you can take.

Good mental health is an essential part of healthy child development. It supports the development of positive behaviour and emotional, social and communication skills. It also lays the foundation for good mental health and well-being throughout life.

As a parent, you play a vital role in your child’s mental health. You can promote good mental health through the environment you create at home. This includes what you say and do.

What Does Good Mental Health Look Like In Children?

Children with good mental health feel loved and safe. They also feel positive and good about themselves most of the time.

They are optimistic and resilient, which means they feel comfortable trying new things.

They feel like they belong and get along well with friends and family. They can cope with feelings of sadness, anger, or worry and bounce back from difficult times.

5 Tips to Support Your Children’s Mental Health

A positive, caring relationship with you has a direct impact on your child’s mental health.

Here are five ways to support your children’s mental health and well-being:

  1. Talk to your children.

Children don’t always have the right words to express their emotions, thoughts or negative experiences. That’s why it’s essential to check in with them regularly.

Help them talk openly about their emotions by asking questions like:

  • It seems like you’re sad. Do you want to talk about it?
  • How do you feel about this situation?
  • We are going through a difficult time. Can I tell you how I feel?

Please take the opportunity to talk to them about life events or stressors. Make sure to do this in an age-appropriate way. It’s essential to keep in mind what information your child can tolerate. Here are some things to keep in mind when you’re planning to have a difficult conversation:

  • Make sure you are in an environment where the child feels safe.
  • Use easy-to-understand language and share your feelings with him.
  • Give your child the opportunity to talk to you about their thoughts and feelings.
  • Be aware of your emotional state and take a break if you feel exhausted.
  • Consult a mental health professional if you need help discussing a complex topic with your child.

Modelling a positive attitude for your child is also helpful in teaching him how to manage his emotions. For example, “I’m disappointed that I didn’t bake these cupcakes well. But that’s okay. I’ll try to make them again another time.” Or “Running around that track seems difficult. But I think if I go slowly and at a steady pace, I can do it.”

  1. Practice active listening

When you initiate a conversation, especially a difficult one, give your child the opportunity to express themselves genuinely. This will help validate their feelings and experiences. These cues can help establish a productive and meaningful conversation:

  • Stop what you are doing and give your child your full attention.
  • Maintain eye contact to show that you are paying attention to him.
  • Get down to your child’s eye level to help them feel safe and in control.
  • Repeat what he says and think about it to make sure you understand correctly.
  1. Encourage playtime

Even in difficult times, create a reassuring and positive environment for your children. This will allow them to play and do activities that help them relax. What activities do they enjoy that can help improve their mood? Here are some ways to encourage positive play when your child is feeling sad or stressed:

  • Take him outside to a park or open space where he can run, jump, or tumble. This helps relieve stress and negative emotions.
  • Set aside time to paint or draw so he can express his feelings.
  • Make time for socialization with other children. This can teach him how to manage and understand different emotions.
  1. Establish a routine

A routine lets us know what to expect and is often reassuring. Please work with your child to structure their day. By involving them in the decision-making process, you give them a sense of control. It also helps you create a sense of security. Here are some tips to help you plan a realistic routine for your child:

  • Be clear and specific. When children have trouble sticking to a routine, it’s usually because they don’t understand it. Or they don’t know how to approach it.
  • Write down the routine.  Involve your child in creating a to-do list or schedule. This will help him remember the routine and reinforce his sense of responsibility.
  • Be realistic and flexible.  Planned meals and bedtimes are essential, but listen to your child if they are hungry or sleepy.
  1. Create a safe and cheerful home environment

Monitor your child’s media use, both in terms of content and time spent on it. This includes TV, movies, games, and the Internet. Set up parental controls and talk to your child about Internet safety.

Do not discuss serious family issues in front of your child. Topics such as finances, marital problems or illnesses can be worrying for children.…

What Does The Media Mean?

Media, plural of medium, broadly describes all communication channels from printed paper to digital data. Mass media includes news, art, educational content, and any form of information that can reach or influence people, such as television, radio, books, magazines, and the Internet.

Mass media refers to news and information that reaches a large number of people, while local media, such as newspapers and regional radio and television stations, serve the needs of the communities or urban areas in which they are located.

The importance of understanding the media in today’s world

The media plays a crucial role in people’s daily lives, helping to educate them and keeping them up to date with daily news, both local and global. The media is the best platform for people to stay informed about what is happening in the world and on the street.

By analysing the information they receive, people can develop their own opinions on various concepts and topics while (in the best of all worlds) respecting the views of people who disagree with them.

The media is also critical in terms of education, as it helps children and teenagers develop critical thinking by teaching them to consider more than one point of view. The media also acts as a watchdog, investigating and reporting on government misconduct.

Media: Why is it important?

We all know the elements of communication: a sender, receiver and message; however, thanks to the media, we can reach a more significant number of recipients with a single message.

In this way, the media are all those channels or means used for the dissemination of information.

This powerful tool is essential for brands and small and medium-sized businesses that wish to obtain a space in these channels to promote their products or services.

Therefore, understanding the types of media, as well as the characteristics of each one, is essential when carrying out any marketing and advertising strategy.

Traditional Media

The creation of the printing press in the 15th century by Johannes Gutenberg is considered the beginning of mass media, disseminating newspapers and pamphlets very quickly.

Then, the arrival of radio allowed for greater breadth and reach of information, being a relevant element in times of war; let us not forget the concept of propaganda and the influence it can have on society.

Finally, television gave image and colour to ideas. With high ratings for each program, television quickly became the preferred medium for users, so the high costs for the purchase of advertising space were short in coming.

Digital Media

The Internet unites the population through websites and web pages.

Since its creation in 1969, it has had more significant expansion compared to other media, all this in a shorter period, surpassing television as the majority medium with a total of 84.3% of active users.

And its relevance is not surprising, since thanks to search engines like Google we get results in seconds. This added to social networks, joins the so-called “democratization of information”, where users have gone from being consumers to content creators.…

Importance of the Media

As you may have noticed, the media has been present in our lives in every relevant event in history, being the channels that allow us to connect, obtain and disseminate information, contributing to social development and interaction.

But in addition to this, we must remember the relevance they have in the business world, being spaces that advertisers can use to promote their products and services.

So, which medium should you choose? It all depends on the objectives of your campaign, as the style of the advertising message must be adapted to the characteristics of each medium.

Whether it is written advertisements in the press, advertorials, radio spots, television commercials or product placement… always keep in mind your budget and whether the channel you want to use is the most suitable for reaching the market segment you are targeting.

Although traditional media may seem saturated, it is no less compelling. Contact us and boost your brand with outdoor advertising.

Impact of digital media on society

Digital media gives people a voice, encourages civic participation and helps build communities.

For years, traditional media has played a central role in informing people about important news and other diverse topics such as sports, fashion, health, etc. With the advent of digital media, more people than ever can access such information and even interact with others on topics of interest.

Furthermore, digital media allows people to explore their civic responsibilities better as they can easily access information on various topics, allowing them to make more informed decisions.

People can also use digital media to respond in real-time as events unfold, helping to report injustices or crimes, for example.

Furthermore, thanks to digital media, communities no longer have to consist of geographically linked groups of people. Still, they can be made up of individuals with similar interests, regardless of where in the world they live.

Another advantage of digital media is that it increases the talent pool for employers, as digital media has made remote work possible. Workers can perform any number of jobs from anywhere and at any time, thanks to high-speed Internet, video and audio technology, digital data, better messaging, and online collaboration tools such as Slack, Trello, and Asana.

Digital media has also made it easier for people to get an education or learn new skills, as they no longer have to attend physical institutions. People of all ages can participate in distance learning on any device, from their homes or from anywhere else, as long as they can connect to the Internet.

Digital media has also changed the way people learn. For example, people with different backgrounds but similar interests can collaborate in virtual classrooms, and teachers can now reach a significantly more significant number of students.

Despite the benefits that digital media has brought to society, there are some drawbacks, such as the spread of inappropriate content and false information. That is why people need to verify the information they receive on the Internet, as well as to protect children from content that is not appropriate for them.…

What Is A Reference?

Reference is understood as the relationship that exists between a linguistic expression, such as a word or a phrase, with its correlate in the real world, that is, its referent. It is a fundamental relationship for language, which operates by replacing things with words, which is why we can talk about what is not there or what does not exist instead of having to point out everything with gestures.

References are also indications signs, that provide people who know how to interpret them with a framework (exactly: “frame of reference” or “reference system”) that serves as a guide in something. This is widely used in relativistic physics, for example, since a reference system is necessary to be able to determine specific characteristics of a physical phenomenon: its position, its speed, etc.

This also applies to other knowledge production systems, such as academic and bibliographic systems, for which it is essential to clarify to the reader where the information presented came from or which sources were consulted. Thus, a degree thesis or an academic report presents at the end a “bibliography” or “references” section (like this article) where the source of the information is detailed.

The latter can be easily verified in reference databases, such as those available in libraries and information retrieval institutes. These sites contain a vast amount of organized data, which can be accessed by means of a reference or key, that is, by means of some partial data that allows one to find the correct source(s) of the information sought.

Identification element

In a text, a reference is an indication or call that cites the place, whether in the content itself or in another source, to which you want to refer readers: “You have to look at the reference on page 40 to interpret the drawing”“The report is somewhat confusing: there are too many references to other research”.

In this sense, a reference is used to relate one topic to another, offering bibliographic elements such as the author, title, publication date, etc., with the aim that whoever reads said reference can obtain a unique identification and access the work in question without any problem and with total certainty that it was the one mentioned by the person who wrote the book.

Some specific stylographic models serve to make such an appointment, so when you want to make one of them, it is necessary to consult them in order to make an accurate call that any reader can understand.


Along these same lines, a cross-reference is a call to action that allows the reader to access more information on the topic they are reading about. It can take them to other chapters in the same work or to a different book so that they can expand on the idea of ​​what is being discussed without having to make a complex mention of it on that specific page.

Some of the ways in which a cross-reference is indicated are with a “V” (see), with “Cfr” (compare) and other marks that allow the reader to refer to another section, chapter or work to delve deeper into the information.…

What Are The Functions Of A Reference?

The primary purpose of a reference is to refer. Why do I violate all the rules of writing by stating the obvious? Because I have seen people use the word – and even more seriously, make references – without full awareness of its meaning or ultimate purpose. The word itself has been denatured: it describes an academic product, a specific format, and even a writing formula subject to rules of textual and ortho-typographic composition. But what are its functions and how should I weave it into the text?

First function: the itinerant reader’s map

In the academic field, the essence of referencing is to connect two texts: on the one hand, we have the expositions, arguments and conclusions of an author and, on the other, the many documents, influences and bases from which this author has formed his own opinions; that is, his sources. One text refers to another and helps us to reconstruct the itinerary of its author, the origin of his ideas and the background of his assertions. The text becomes a travel map for the reader interested in delving deeper into a particular topic, fact or argument.

[I put this feature first because it is the most playful and exciting for me (personal tastes, not academic truths). I love picking up a book and knowing that I have the freedom to access any of the sources mentioned.]

Reviewing the source has added academic values: the possibility of verification and the analysis of the educational tradition of the text.

Verification is essential, even more so if one is a reader-editor or intends to specialize in a subject of study. It not only serves to see if what the author says is true but also to check how accurate his interpretation of the thought referred to may be.

The academic tradition also gives me many clues about the choices and exclusions of the text to be read. Not all paradigms are compatible with each other. There are theoretical currents that repel and exclude each other. A glance at the list of references may be enough to know the pedigree of the text: who are its parents, children and relatives, where it comes from and therefore what I can expect.

The second function is credit, where credit is due.

The reference, adequately understood, is honesty put into practice. I give credit to those who have earned it with their work and intellectual effort, and I confess the origin of some ideas that were not initially mine even though they now belong to me.

Credit is also a legal necessity: I can only exploit another’s intellectual property for my selfish benefit if I face the laws and penalties of each country and international agreements. Thanks to the reference, I can use a particular portion of another’s work without resorting to endless procedures or permits.

What is not acceptable is copying verbatim (without using a direct quote), paraphrasing incorrectly (changing two or three words and then saying that I rewrote it) or reproducing pages and pages – without further elaboration on one’s part – through endless paraphrasing. Any of these cases is blatant plagiarism and has criminal consequences.

The third function of academic collaboration

Knowledge cannot be monopolized. In fact, the more it is disseminated and shared, the more it is reproduced (this is the fundamental reason why I maintain this blog). Humanity has reached where it is thanks to accumulated knowledge; each fragment is understood as the heritage of humanity and not of its individuals. You cannot reach Mars without mastering the art of fire. Thus, the first astronaut owes everything to humanity’s first campfire.

The reference is the evidence of collaborative work: I wrote this article (at a time that has already vanished), you read it at this moment, and thousands of new ideas, yours, rooted in your experiences and experiences, are mixed with my opinions. My text is left behind; you create a new text and take from it some phrase, word or paragraph, and, with justice, you “refer” to it (mention, indicate, point out, give an account of its source). You and I are working together (or together, perhaps, I don’t know) because in the final product – already the heritage of humanity – both of our fingerprints remain. But we do not know each other, nor will we see each other’s faces.

And yet, whoever reads the new text – yours, the one you will write – will know that at least two people, you and I, had some part in that product of our distant collaboration.

Fourth function: the weight of authority

I have deliberately left this function for last. In academia (or should I write Academia, with a capital letter?), this is often considered the essential function of reference and is written accordingly. The result is execrable texts (but that would be a topic for another article).

The need to support and frame one’s claims in a recognized academic tradition can lead to extremes such as imposing or forcing reference to some source, any source.

How to Choose the Right Towing Company: Factors to Consider

Choosing the right towing company is crucial when you’re in a tough spot with your vehicle. It can mean the difference between a smooth rescue and a nightmarish experience.

I’ve been in the towing business for over 20 years, and let me tell you, not all tow trucks are created equal. There’s a world of difference between a professional outfit and a fly-by-night operation.

Stick with me, and I’ll share some insider tips that’ll save you time, money, and a whole lot of headaches. Trust me, by the end of this guide, you’ll be picking towing companies like a pro.

Why does this matter? Well, imagine being stranded on a dark road at midnight. Your car’s busted, and you’re miles from home. Who you gonna call? You need someone reliable, fast, and fair. That’s where knowing how to choose the right towing company comes in handy.

This guide is perfect for anyone who drives a vehicle. That’s right, if you’ve got wheels, you need to read this. It’s like insurance – you hope you never need it, but boy, are you glad you have it when you do.

Let’s dive in and unpack the secrets of choosing a top-notch towing service. Buckle up, folks. It’s gonna be an eye-opening ride!

1. Reputation is King

When it comes to towing companies, reputation isn’t just important – it’s everything. A company’s track record can tell you a lot about what to expect.

I remember once, early in my career, I made the mistake of calling the first towing company I found in the yellow pages. Big mistake. They showed up three hours late, scratched my car, and tried to overcharge me. Never again.

Here’s what you should do:

  • Ask around. Friends, family, and coworkers can be goldmines of information.
  • Check online reviews. Sites like Yelp, Google, and Facebook can give you the real scoop.
  • Look for patterns in the feedback. If multiple people mention great service or specific problems, take note.

A study by BrightLocal found that 87% of consumers read online reviews for local businesses in 2020. That’s a lot of people doing their homework!

2. Licensing and Insurance: Non-Negotiables

This might sound boring, but trust me, it’s crucial. A properly licensed and insured towing company is your safety net.

I once heard about a guy who used an unlicensed tow truck. Long story short, his car got damaged during the tow, and he was left high and dry with no recourse. Don’t let that be you.

Here’s what to look for:

  • Check if they’re licensed by your state’s transportation department.
  • Ask about their insurance coverage. They should have both liability and cargo insurance.
  • Don’t be shy – ask to see proof. Legit companies won’t mind showing you.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, there were over 6 million car accidents in the US in 2019. That’s a lot of potential towing situations. Make sure you’re covered!

3. Response Time: Speed Matters

When you’re stuck on the side of the road, every minute feels like an hour. A good towing company knows this and acts fast.

I remember a freezing winter night when I got a call from a family stranded on the highway. Their car had died, and they had young kids with them. I got there in 20 minutes flat. The relief on their faces was something I’ll never forget.

What to consider:

  • Ask about their average response time.
  • Find out if they offer 24/7 service. Emergencies don’t keep office hours.
  • Check if they have a large fleet. More trucks usually mean faster service.

A survey by J.D. Power found that the average roadside assistance response time in 2020 was 48 minutes. Aim for a company that can beat that.

4. Range of Services: Versatility is Key

Not all towing jobs are created equal. A company that offers a wide range of services is usually a safer bet.

I once got a call about a towing job, only to arrive and find out it was actually a complicated winch-out situation. Luckily, I had the right equipment. Not every tow truck driver would have.

Look for companies that offer:

  • Light, medium, and heavy-duty towing
  • Winch-out services
  • Jumpstarts and tire changes
  • Fuel delivery

According to IBISWorld, the towing industry in the US was worth $8 billion in 2021. That’s a lot of different services!

5. Pricing: Fair and Transparent

Nobody likes surprises when it comes to bills. A good towing company will be upfront about their pricing.

I’ve heard horror stories of people being quoted one price over the phone, only to be presented with a much higher bill when the job was done. That’s not just bad business – it’s downright shady.

Here’s what to do:

  • Ask for a detailed quote before agreeing to service.
  • Be wary of companies with prices that seem too good to be true. They usually are.
  • Check if they accept your insurance or motor club card.

A 2019 study by Consumer Reports found that the average cost of a tow is $109. Keep this in mind as a ballpark figure.

6. Equipment: The Right Tools for the Job

A towing company is only as good as its equipment. Modern, well-maintained trucks are a sign of a professional outfit.

I once saw a tow truck so old and rusty, I was surprised it could tow itself, let alone another vehicle. Needless to say, I wouldn’t trust my car to that rig.

Things to consider:

  • Ask about the age and condition of their fleet.
  • Check if they have specialized equipment for different types of vehicles.
  • See if they use GPS tracking. It can help them find you faster.

The American Towman industry survey in 2020 found that the average age of a tow truck in the US is 7 years. Newer isn’t always better, but it’s a good benchmark.

7. Customer Service: The Human Touch

At the end of the day, towing is a service industry. How a company treats its customers can make all the difference.

I’ll never forget the time I helped an elderly lady whose car had broken down. She was scared and confused. I took the time to explain everything I was doing and even called her son for her. That’s the kind of service that turns a bad day into a bearable one.

Look for:

  • Friendly, patient phone operators
  • Drivers who are willing to explain the process
  • Clear communication throughout the service

A study by PwC found that 73% of consumers say customer experience is an important factor in their purchasing decisions. In towing, it’s even more critical.

Customer Service

8. Local Knowledge: Home Field Advantage

A company that knows your area like the back of their hand can be a real lifesaver.

I once had a customer whose GPS led him down an old logging road. He was stuck in the mud, miles from anywhere. If I hadn’t known the area, I might never have found him.


  • How long has the company been operating in your area?
  • Do they know alternative routes to avoid traffic?
  • Are they familiar with local laws and regulations?

According to the Towing and Recovery Association of America, there are over 35,000 towing companies in the US. Finding one that knows your local area can make a big difference.

9. Environmental Responsibility: Green Towing

In today’s world, being environmentally conscious is more important than ever. This applies to towing companies too.

I’ve made it a point to use fuel-efficient trucks and dispose of waste responsibly. It’s not just good for the planet – it’s good business.

Look for companies that:

  • Use modern, fuel-efficient vehicles
  • Practice responsible disposal of fluids and parts
  • Offer eco-friendly options when possible

The EPA reports that medium and heavy-duty trucks account for 23% of greenhouse gas emissions from transportation. Choosing a green towing company can help reduce this impact.

10. Technology: Embracing the Digital Age

In this day and age, technology can make the towing experience smoother and more efficient.

I remember when we first started using a digital dispatch system. It cut our response times by almost half! Customers could track their tow truck in real-time, just like ordering a pizza.

Check if the company offers:

A survey by Clutch found that 61% of small businesses invested in technology in 2018. Towing companies that embrace tech often provide better service.

Choosing the right towing company isn’t rocket science, but it does require some thought. Remember, when you’re stranded on the side of the road, the last thing you want is to second-guess your choice of towing service.

By considering these factors – reputation, licensing, response time, range of services, pricing, equipment, customer service, local knowledge, environmental responsibility, and technology – you’ll be well-equipped to make an informed decision.

Don’t wait until you’re in a jam to start your research. Take some time now to find a reliable towing company in your area. Trust me, your future self will thank you.

Stay safe out there on the roads, folks. And remember, a little preparation goes a long way. Happy driving!…

The Benefits Of Cooking When Living With Dementia

Cooking and baking have been shown to be great activities for people in assisted living; it allows them to explore the senses, provides a creative outlet, helps to spark memories, and encourages conversation. Explore the benefits of cooking for those living with dementia:

1. It Engages the Senses

Cooking provides an excellent activity for sensory stimulation exploring touch, sight, smell, sound, and taste. For someone living with dementia, sensory activities provide platforms for reminiscence, socialization, and help to improve mood. Engaging the sense of smell as part of a cooking activity can be a great way to reduce agitation and aid with relaxation, as familiar scents incite feelings of comfort and evoke memories.

Try asking your loved one what their favorite meal was as a child and re-create it together. Involving your loved one in cooking processes, such as kneading dough and using cooking utensils, are great ways to engage their sense of touch. Doing these can help to improve hand-eye coordination while providing light physical exercise.

2. Creates Reminiscence

Cooking is a familiar activity for many and taking part in activities in the kitchen can help trigger positive memories for someone living with dementia. Meals are often cooked within a family home shared with loved ones, therefore creating a familiar meal, which has a familiar smell or taste, can help stir those memories.

If your loved one used to bake, why not try making biscuits together. Select a simple recipe that involves kneading. Baking biscuits is known to provide a homely familiar smell which may also help spark memories and conversations of when your loved one used to bake. The smell of food cooking has proved to be a powerful reminiscence tool. Familiar scents can help to take someone back in time, triggering memories and eliciting feelings of positivity.

3. Provides Socialization

Living with dementia can sometimes cause someone to withdraw and become less forthcoming as they may be experiencing memory or communication difficulties. Taking part in familiar activities such as cooking or baking is a great way to increase social interaction by working together.
Socializing through activities can have a profound impact on someone’s mood. Simply taking part in something together or having conversations surrounding the activity can significantly reduce loneliness and help improve your loved one’s mood.

4. Increases Appetite

Many people living with dementia can experience a loss of appetite and therefore lose a connection with food. By introducing cooking as an activity, the enjoyment and social interaction can provide a useful tool for increasing appetite. Try to create food that looks or smells appealing; the aroma can help stimulate appetite.

5. Provides Relaxation

Cooking has many stress-relieving benefits and can help those living with dementia relax. Repetition in baking and activities such as kneading dough have been shown to be an effective way to reduce agitation and create a calming environment.

With a multitude of benefits, cooking and baking are brilliant ways to help those living with dementia reminisce and create connections with both people and food. Try introducing small cooking activities in a safe way with your loved one to explore the benefits.

Dementia Statistics

A study published in the January 2010 issue of the journal Alzheimer’s and Dementia, finds that symptoms of cognitive decline can be experienced some 20 years before an Alzheimer’s diagnosis. According to the long term study led by Dr. Barry Reisberg director of The Fisher Alzheimer’s Disease Education and Resources Program at NYU Langone Medical Center, healthy older adults with subjective memory loss are 4.5 times more likely to develop mild cognitive impairment and dementia.

In 2012, Alzheimer’s Disease was the third leading cause of death in San Diego County and an estimated 60,000 San Diegans are currently living with this disease or another form of dementia (per the San Diego Health & Human Services Department).

Learn more about San Diego Dementia Statistics

8 Ways To Keep Seniors Safe In Their Homes

Home is where the heart is. Unfortunately for seniors, it’s also where most major accidents occur. In this guide, our senior care experts discuss some of the inherent difficulties that come with senior living and provide suggestions for 8 ways to improve senior safety in the home. At guide’s end, we also provide resources on our very own senior living communities — excellent choices for San Diego seniors in need of extra care, comfort, and wanting a safe place to live.

1. Invest in Proper Apparel, Footwear, and Other Assistive Accessories

No matter where you are, the last line of defense between you and accident or injury is your own body. Investing in the right clothing, footwear, and assistive gear (when necessary) can help you keep your body safe in the home and elsewhere. For seniors with aging bodies and health concerns, this is especially important. Wearing clothing that keeps the body comfortable and adequately warmed can help prevent illness like pneumonia, which can be devastating for seniors. Wearing properly-fitting shoes without heels can help prevent falls and keep the feet from developing bunions, hammertoes, and arthritis. Likewise, investing home-friendly, properly-measured walking aids can help prevent falls and other accidents in the home.

2. Use Ample Lighting

Poor lighting is one of the leading causes of accident and injury in the home. Low visibility can lead to trips, falls, and a host of other unforeseen collisions that can easily be prevented by ample lighting. For seniors, many of whom struggle with diminishing eyesight or sensitive eyes, proper lighting is especially important. When it comes to home lighting for seniors, “proper” doesn’t necessarily mean bright. Overly-bright lights can lead to visibility issues and eye irritation for seniors, making them nearly as bad as inadequately low lights on the other end of the spectrum. For ideal home illumination, we recommend using only non-glare 100 watt or greater incandescent bulbs (or their fluorescent equivalents). To ensure that seniors always have light when they need it, we also recommend retrofitting easily-reachable light switches at the entrances to every room and the top and bottom of all staircases where needed.

3. Take Care of Trip Hazards

For seniors, many falls and accidents in the home occur due to the interference of everyday objects. While not every obstacle in your home can realistically be removed, there are several common trip hazards that can be partially dealt with or done away with altogether. These include:

  • Scatter rugs. The corners and edges of these rugs are major trip hazards. Try tacking them down as much as possible — though the best solution is to remove the rugs altogether.
  • Electrical cords. The electrical cords connected to appliances double as trip wires. Remove them from highly-trafficked areas by tucking them behind furniture or by relocating your appliances altogether.
  • General clutter. Boxes, bins, hobby objects, shoes, clothing, and a host of other items can become trip hazards if not properly stored. The key is to keep them off the floor as much as possible. Utilize closets and shelves to keep clutter away from your feet and stay safe in your home.

4. Stop Slips at the Source

Next to trips, slips are one of the tops causes of accidents for seniors in their own homes. What’s the difference between trips and slips? You trip when your feet collide with another object. You slip when something underneath your feet causes you to lose balance. The main culprits behind slips include spills and slick floors. For seniors, the list of slip culprits is more numerous than it is for younger adults. This is because many seniors struggle with balance — thus, even the slightest minimization of friction can lead to major falls. To prevent accidents due to slips in the home, you’ll want to start by cleaning up any spills until your floors are spotless. Even the smallest water, oil, or other liquid spill can lead to a slip-and-fall. Speaking of spotless: clean floors are good, but overly-waxed or polished floors can be too slippery for seniors. Avoid using slippery wax or finishes on your floors. In the bathroom, it’s a good idea to skid-proof the tub and make sure your bath mat has a non-slip bottom.

5. Follow Bathroom Best-Practices

With water, smooth fixtures, and a number of other potential hazards, the bathroom presents perhaps the biggest accident risk for seniors out of all rooms in the home. Take the following steps to stay safe in your bathroom:

  • To help with visibility, leave a light on in your bathroom at night or opt for plug-in night lights.
  • Always use recommended bath aids. Be sure that they are securely installed on the walls of the bath/shower stall and on the sides of the toilet.
  • Skid-proof your tub and invest in a bath mat with a non-skid bottom. Alternatively, add non-slip stick-and-peel applications to the bottom of the tub.
  • To avoid scalds, turn your water heater to 120 degrees Fahrenheit or a cooler temperature.
  • Mark your cold and hot faucets clearly.
  • Use door locks that can be opened from both sides.
  • If possible, bathe only when help is available.

6. Keep Your Kitchen Under Control

Bathrooms aside, kitchens are one of the most common zones for accidents in the home. By nature, kitchens contain a number of potential hazards — including large appliances, sharp and/or heavy objects, slick surfaces, and more — all of that can compromise the safety of those who use them (especially seniors). Follow these steps to stay safe in your kitchen:

  • Keep your floors clean and free of clutter.
  • Adequately illuminate all work areas.
  • Clearly mark “on” and “off” positions on appliances.
  • Store knives and other sharp object in a rack.
  • Use a hot water kettle with an automatic shut-off.
  • Store heavy objects at waist level.
  • Keep hazardous items separate from food.
  • Avoid wearing long, loose clothing when cooking.
  • Make sure all food is rotated regularly, and routinely check expiration dates.

7: Mind Your Medication

The majority of seniors take at least one form of medication to deal with an ailment, injury, or chronic condition. Practicing drug safety and taking medications in the proper dosages at the right times is instrumental in maintaining medical care and well-being, both in the home and elsewhere. To ensure that you are taking your medication the right way, it’s a good idea to review your medicines frequently with your doctor or pharmacist. In your home, you’ll want to clearly label all medications you are currently taking and throw away any expired or defunct medications. Always read your medication labels in good light to ensure that you are taking the right medicine and taking the correct dose — and never borrow prescription drugs from others.

8. Consider Assisted Living

While following the above recommendations can significantly improve safety in the home, accidents can still happen. Worse, for many seniors — especially those living alone — following the above steps can prove to be difficult. Decreased physical capabilities, the onset of memory-related issues, and a host of other factors can make staying safe or in home care a challenge for many seniors. In these cases, making the move to assisted living is often the best choice.

At assisted living communities, seniors live in residences specially designed to meet their needs. Hazards are minimized as much as possible, and comfort is emphasized. Assisted living communities are also staffed with care professionals who help seniors with daily activities and work to maintain a safe and enjoyable living environment at all hours of the day. Assisted living communities give seniors a level of care and attention that often can’t be achieved in the home. In many cases, assisted living is the safest choice for seniors.

6 Steps to a More Successful Disability Hearing Outcome

There are many factors involved in obtaining a favorable outcome to your disability claim, some within your control and some out of your control. Here are a few recommendations that may increase your chances of success when you attend a hearing with an Administrative Law Judge.

Some people wait more than a year to receive their day in court and to be scheduled for a Social Security Disability hearing. While two-thirds of appeals are won at the hearing stage of the disability claim process, you need to make sure you do everything you can to help turn the tables in your favor.

If you are going through the disability appeals process and want to ensure the best chances of winning your appeal, make sure that you take the following advice into consideration when you arrive at the Office of Disability Adjudication and Review.

1. Hire a Qualified Disability Lawyer or Advocate

First and foremost, make sure you have a qualified attorney for social security disability representing you at the hearing stage of your appeal. While the SSA does allow you to represent yourself, it’s not in your best interest to do so.

Statistics show that applicants who have legal representation at a disability hearing are more likely to be awarded benefits than those who do not. Your lawyer can help prepare you for your hearing and will ensure that your case is presented properly before the Administrative Law Judge.

2. Do Whatever It Takes to Get There

You need to do everything within your power to show up for your disability hearing, and make sure you show up on time. While you can, in some cases, postpone your disability hearing if you have a very good reason, you should do everything you can to make it to your hearing on the scheduled day.

If you don’t show up at all and do not have a good reason for your failure to appear, you may lose your chance of reversing the SSA’s decision to deny your disability benefits.

3. Understand That Appearances Matter

You don’t have to show up to your disability hearing attired in the finest Gucci suit, but you do have to appear clean and well-groomed. If you show up in torn jeans and a dirty old t-shirt, the Administrative Law Judge isn’t going to appreciate it and may think it shows a lack of respect for the court that is hearing your case.

In addition to your physical appearance, you will need to show proper respect to the ALJ who is reviewing your appeal. When addressing the judge, do so civilly. There is never any reason to become verbally abusive or rude when speaking at your hearing and doing so may result in a denial of your appeal.

4. Be Familiar with Your Case and Your Medical Records

When working with a disability attorney, many applicants make the mistake of assuming that they do not need to stay abreast of the information included in their disability claim or fail to review the records that have been provided to the SSA. Remember, your lawyer is there to represent the legal aspects of your claim. You are the one who knows the most about your condition and how it pertains to your inability to work. You need to know what medical evidence is being provided to the Administrative Law Judge who will be hearing your case so that you can make sure nothing is accidentally left out of your disability application file.

5. Keep in Contact with Your Lawyer

Chances are that your attorney is handling quite a few Social Security Disability cases. Make sure yours does not fall through the cracks. Stay in contact with your attorney and make sure that he or she has everything needed to represent you properly at your hearing.

The last thing you want to do is show up at your hearing, only to find out that you have not provided your attorney with crucial information or documentation that may be necessary to prove your disability claim.

6. Do Not Minimize the Effects of Your Disability

Pride has no place in the courtroom, and especially not during your disability hearing. While you should never over-exaggerate your disability, you should not downplay it either. Be very specific about how your disability prevents you from performing work-related activities.

The people in the courtroom are not there to judge you. The purpose of the hearing is to determine whether or not you can work due to the disability from which you are suffering. If you try to downplay the severity of your condition, you may actually cause yourself to lose your disability case.

A vocational expert may also provide testify to offer insight regarding your transferability of skills.Remember, it is not uncommon for an applicant to wait as long as two years to receive their day in court. Your chances of being awarded disability benefits are highest during the hearing stage of the appeal process.

Make sure you follow the above recommendations in order to increase your chances of a favorable hearing outcome.…