Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • The Benefits Of Cooking When Living With Dementia

    Cooking and baking have been shown to be great activities for people in assisted living; it allows them to explore the senses, provides a creative outlet, helps to spark memories, and encourages conversation. Explore the benefits of cooking for those living with dementia: 1. It Engages the Senses Cooking provides an excellent activity for sensory stimulation…

  • 8 Ways To Keep Seniors Safe In Their Homes

    Home is where the heart is. Unfortunately for seniors, it’s also where most major accidents occur. In this guide, our senior care experts discuss some of the inherent difficulties that come with senior living and provide suggestions for 8 ways to improve senior safety in the home. At guide’s end, we also provide resources on our very…

  • 6 Steps to a More Successful Disability Hearing Outcome

    There are many factors involved in obtaining a favorable outcome to your disability claim, some within your control and some out of your control. Here are a few recommendations that may increase your chances of success when you attend a hearing with an Administrative Law Judge. Some people wait more than a year to receive…

  • 5 Tips for a Better Marriage

    Recently, my husband and I celebrated our 31st wedding anniversary. When I think back to those first years of marriage, it is amazing how much we have changed. We were high school sweethearts and dated five and one half years before we got married. Many changes have been witnessed over the last 31 years and…

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